regi – changes

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Every sky will be blue

Long as you're lovin' me, lovin' me


You've been so good to me

Give you anything

You've been so good to me

Your love inside me

Oh baby, you're my consolation

Oh baby, there's no hesitation

Oh baby, you're my consolation

Oh baby, there's no hesitation

Every sky will be blue

Long as you're lovin' me, lovin' me

You've been so good to me

Give you anything

You've been so good to me

Your love inside me

Oh baby, you're my consolation

Oh baby, there's no hesitation

Oh baby, you're my consolation

Oh baby, there's no hesitation

Every sky will be blue

Long as you're lovin' me, lovin' me

I feel so much sensation


Jeder Himmel wird blau sein

(Musik) Solange du mich liebst, liebst du mich


Du warst so gut zu mir

Ich gebe dir alles

~ You've been so good to me~

Your love inside me

(Musik) Oh baby, you're my consolation

Oh Baby, es gibt kein Zögern

Oh Baby, you're my consolation

Oh Baby, es gibt kein Zögern

Jeder Himmel wird blau sein

♪ Long as you're lovin' me, lovin' me

~ You've been so good to me ~

Ich gebe dir alles

You've been so good to me

Your love inside me

Oh Baby, you're my consolation

Oh Baby, es gibt kein Zögern

Oh Baby, you're my consolation

Oh Baby, es gibt kein Zögern

Jeder Himmel wird blau sein

Long as you're lovin' me, lovin' me

Ich fühle so viel Gefühl

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