Songtexte & Übersetzung: regi – another chance Unten findest du die Songtexte mit Übersetzungen nebeneinander! Auf unserer Website geben es viele weitere Songtexte mit Übersetzungen von regi! Sieh dich unser Archiv und die anderen Songtexte an, klicke beispielsweise auf den Buchstaben r von regi und sieh, welche Lieder wir mehr von regi in unserem Archiv haben, wie z. B. another chance .
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things
We had were right [Repeat: x 2]
If I had another chance tonight [Repeat: x 2]
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things
We had were right [Repeat: x 2]
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things
We had were right [Repeat: x 2]
If I had another chance tonight [Repeat: x 4]
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things
We had were right [Repeat: x 2]
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things
We had were right [Repeat: x 2]
If I had another chance tonight [Repeat: x 4]
Wenn ich heute Abend noch eine Chance hätte
Ich würde versuchen, dir zu sagen, dass die Dinge
We had were right [Wiederholung: x 2]
Wenn ich heute Abend noch eine Chance hätte
Hätte ich heute Abend noch eine Chance
Ich würde versuchen, dir zu sagen, dass die Dinge
We had were right [Wiederholung: x 2]
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things
We had were right [Wiederholung: x 2]
Hätte ich heute Abend noch eine Chance [Wiederholung: x 4]
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things
We had were right [Wiederholung: x 2]
If I had another chance tonight
I'd try to tell you that the things
We had were right [Wiederholung: x 2]
If I had another chance tonight [Wiederholung: x 4]