Songtexte & Übersetzung: cartoons – witch doctor Unten findest du die Songtexte mit Übersetzungen nebeneinander! Auf unserer Website geben es viele weitere Songtexte mit Übersetzungen von cartoons! Sieh dich unser Archiv und die anderen Songtexte an, klicke beispielsweise auf den Buchstaben c von cartoons und sieh, welche Lieder wir mehr von cartoons in unserem Archiv haben, wie z. B. witch doctor .
Hey witch doctor, give us the magic words!
Alright, you go: Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang.
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang}
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang.} (repeat x3) .
I told the witch doctor, I was in love with you
I told the witch doctor, I was in love with you
And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do
He told me:
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang (repeat x2) .
I told the witch doctor, you didn't love me true
I told the witch doctor, you didn't love me nice
And then the witch doctor, he gave me this advice:
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang (repeat x2) .
You can keep your love from me just like you were a miser,
And I'll admit it wasn't very smart,
But I went out to find my-self a guy that's so much wiser,
And he told me the way to win your heart:
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, ging, bang
Come on and:
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang (repeat x2) .
Hey Hexendoktor, gib uns die magischen Worte!
In Ordnung, du gehst: ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang.
Gut so!
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang}
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang.} (Wiederholung x3) .
♪ ~ I told the witch doctor, I was in love with you ~
I told the witch doctor, I was in love with you
Und dann sagte mir der Medizinmann, was ich tun soll.
He told me:
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang (Wiederholung x2) .
I told the witch doctor, you didn't love me true
~ I told the witch doctor, you didn't love me nice ~
Und dann gab mir der Medizinmann diesen Rat:
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang (Wiederholung x2) .
Du kannst deine Liebe von mir fernhalten, als wärst du ein Geizhals,
Und ich gebe zu, das war nicht sehr klug,
Aber ich suchte mir einen Kerl, der viel klüger ist,
Und er sagte mir, wie ich dein Herz gewinnen kann:
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah
♪ Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, ging, bang
Komm schon und..:
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang
Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, walla, walla, bing, bang (Wiederholung x2) .